Data Analytics Professional

Welcome to my Portfolio! I am Bushra Khanam, a Data Analyst with a passion for turning data into actionable insights.

About Me

Hi, I'm Bushra Khanam, a passionate Data Analyst with hands-on experience in data analysis, and visualization. I have completed multiple internships where I honed my skills in harnessing data to drive actionable insights. Currently pursuing a career path focused on leveraging data to solve real-world problems.


Bachelors of Computer Science and Engineering 

CGPA- 7.05
2022 Pass-out

Visvesvaraya Technological University


Latest Projects

Amazon Sales Report Analysis

The goal of this project is to analyze Amazon sales transactions to uncover trends, patterns, and performance metrics. It aims to identify popular products, assess fulfillment methods, segment customers, and explore geographical sales distributions. The insights gained will drive recommendations to optimize sales strategies, improve inventory management, and enhance customer satisfaction. Ultimately, the analysis seeks to support informed business decisions and drive revenue growth.

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Election 2024 Analysis

The goal of the Election 2024 Analysis project is to gain insights into the election results, party performance, and voter trends across various constituencies by using interactive visualizations and dashboards. This analysis helps stakeholders understand election outcomes and the dynamics between different political alliances.

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Corona Virus Analysis

The goal of the Coronavirus Analysis project is to derive meaningful insights into the spread and impact of the coronavirus pandemic by analyzing comprehensive datasets of confirmed cases, deaths, and recoveries using SQL. This analysis aims to inform data-driven decision-making and public health strategies.

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Crop Production Analysis

Goal is to predict crop production based on extensive information about crop production over multiple years in India and uncover important insights that highlight key indicators and metrics affecting crop production.

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Big Census Game Analysis

The goal of a big game census analysis project is to monitor and manage the population sizes, distribution, and health of game species to inform wildlife conservation and management policies. This data-driven approach aims to support sustainable use practices and contribute to the long-term survival of game species and their habitats. 

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Employee Attribution Analysis

The goal of conducting employee attrition analysis is to understand and mitigate factors leading to employee turnover within an organization. This analysis aims to identify patterns, trends, and predictors of attrition to inform strategies for employee retention and workforce management. 

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Sales Budget Analysis

Analyzing sales data and budget performance for Adventure Works products.

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Bird Strike Between 2000-2011

The goal of conducting a bird strike analysis between 2000-2011 is to understand and quantify the frequency, locations, and impacts of bird strikes on aircraft during this specific period. This analysis helps aviation authorities, airport operators, and wildlife management agencies to identify high-risk areas, develop effective mitigation strategies, and improve aviation safety by reducing the likelihood and severity of bird strikes.

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